Traditional Game Rules

Chess Rules

Chess is a game of skill and strategy that can be played by players at any level from beginner to Grandmaster. The first step is to learn the way the pieces are moved and the basic rules of the game.

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Draughts Rules

Draughts, also known as checkers, is at first sight not dissimilar to chess in terms of its setup and objectives and the board itself is identifiable with a chessboard.

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Backgammon Rules

Backgammon is a game of skill and strategy that can be played by players at any level from beginner to Grandmaster. The first step is to learn the way the pieces are moved and the basic rules of the game.


Dominoes Rules

With a very simple setup and set of rules, dominoes is perhaps the most immediately intuitive game to play on a sufficiently large surface and has therefore been popularised worldwide.

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Hneftafl Rules

Hnefatafl, translated as "King's table" and more easily understood as the "Viking Game" among English, and generally most non-Scandinavian languages, is a game whose history is dotted around the Dark Ages in Europe.

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